Eco Tank Set

Fill up conveniently with clean Agealube fuel without having to worry about logistics or stock. This can now be done with the Agealube Eco Tank Set! If you’d rather not sacrifice quality and functionality, choose an Agealube custom tank solution. It’s all 100% set up properly and tailored to your needs.

More information on Eco Tank Sets

Agealube monteur

Eco Heat

100% fossil-free heat everywhere and no less than 89% CO2 reduction thanks to Agealube Eco Heat. A heating fuel that has been specially developed as a clean alternative for any equipment that normally uses diesel. Eco Heat makes the job cleaner and safer, and switching over is no problem!

More information on Eco Heat

Agealube monteur

Eco Diesel Green

Agealube Eco Diesel is a clean diesel fuel that reduces local emissions so that you and those in your surroundings breathe in significantly fewer harmful substances. It keeps engines cleaner and has a long storage life which means your machine will always start, even if it has stood still for a long time. What’s more, it means your work is virtually odourless and environmentally responsible because the fuel is made from renewable resources.

More information

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Olie for professionals

We are there for anyone who sometimes uses lubrication oil, grease or a professional cleaner. Agealube has virtually all imaginable oil products and oil-related products in its range. We directly supply professionals and wholesalers who buy large quantities of oil. Individually packed Agealube products are available from retail stores and specialist dealers. And these are not only for professionals but also for private individuals who opt for quality.


Read more about Agealube

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Special products from Agealube

  • From 1 litre to bulk
  • Low prices

From 1 litre to bulk

Since products are used in differing situations, we supply virtually every product in quantities from 1-litre packs to bulk shipments. We can offer this because we have all products in our own inventory management.

From 1 litre to bulk

Fast delivery

By keeping logistics in our own hands, we can also offer quality in terms of our deliveries. Quick deliveries, often within 24 hours! This means your business can maintain continuity.

Fast delivery

People and environment

These days, it’s no longer only about the product’s maximum technical performance, but the products must cause as little harm to environment and health as possible. Often a difficult combination. Agealube develops products for protecting our living environment, without detracting from their technical qualities.

People and environment


Sometimes you need an immediate answer to your question because otherwise you can’t carry on. Therefore we are always available to give the right lubricant advice straight away. Simply by telephone: +31 (0)24 675 43 61.


Low prices

And of course, we keep our prices as low as possible. We deliver directly to large-scale end users, and we maintain low margins. After all, we don’t have to finance any worldwide advertising campaigns, which large well-known brands in the oil market do have to do.

Low price

What can we do for you?

Direct supply

Direct supply

I am a professional end user and I’d like to know if I can be supplied directly.

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Become a retail outlet

Become a retail outlet

Would you like to sell Agealube products?
Then fill in the application form.

Fill in the application form

GVG products, Where can I buy them?

Where can I buy them?

Our products are on sale in shops.
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Product categories

Agealube is represented in the Benelux by Gelders.
See our website

De Vlotkampweg 77
6545 AE Nijmegen
T +31 (0)24 - 675 43 61
F +31 (0)24 - 675 43 68

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